Tuesday, December 1st
11:00-12:15 Session Oral O1A: Human Behavior
11:00 |
Evolution of spatial political community structures in Sweden 1985-2018 |
11:15 |
Self-Modeling Networks Using Adaptive Internal Mental Models for Cognitive Analysis and Support Processes |
11:30 |
Revealing the complex comorbidity structure of internalizing disorders through hypergraph models |
11:45 |
Paternal-maternal surname networks reveal the population structure of Santiago, Chile |
12:00 |
Spontaneous symmetry breaking of active phase in coevolving nonlinear voter model |
11:00-12:15 Session Oral O1B: Network Models
11:00 |
GrowHON: A Scalable Algorithm for Growing Higher-order Networks |
11:15 |
Local Degree Asymmetry for Preferential Attachment Model |
11:30 |
A Random Growth Model with any Real or Theoretical Degree Distribution |
11:45 |
Fast multipole networks |
12:00 |
Nondiagonal Mixture of Dirichlet Network Distributions for Analyzing a Stock Ownership Network |
11:00-12:15 Session Oral O1C: Biological Networks
11:00 |
A Methodology for Evaluating the Extensibility of Boolean Networks' Structure and Function |
11:15 |
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Control of Probabilistic Boolean Networks |
11:30 |
Viral Infection From a Complex Networks Perspective |
11:45 |
Statistics of Growing Chemical Network Originating from One Molecule Species and Activated by Low-Temperature Plasma |
12:00 |
Adaptive rewiring evolves brain-like structure in directed networks |
13:15-14:30 Session Oral O2A: Information Spreading in Social Media
13:15 |
Influence of Retweeting on the Behaviors of Social Networking Service Users |
13:30 |
Impact of individual actions on the collective response of social systems |
13:45 |
Sockpuppet Detection: a Telegram case study |
14:00 |
Structural Node Embedding in Signed Social Networks: Finding Online Misbehavior at Multiple Scales |
14:15 |
Learning through the Grapevine: the Impact of Message Mutation, Transmission Failure, and Deliberate Bias |
13:15-14:30 Session Oral O2B: Network Analysis
13:15 |
Towards understanding complex interactions of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and precipitation rain gauges networks of cereal growth system |
13:30 |
Uncovering the image structure of Japanese TV commercials by a co-occurrence network representation |
13:45 |
Unraveling the paradox of weak links in structural brain connectivity |
14:00 |
The Metric Backbone in the Human Connectome |
14:15 |
Connectivity-based Spectral Sampling for Big Complex Network Visualization |
13:15-14:30 Session Oral O2C: Networks in Finance & Economics
13:15 |
A network analysis of personnel exchange and companies’ relevant sector: the LinkedIn case study |
13:30 |
Group Centrality Indices in the International Trade Networks |
13:45 |
Wealth distribution for agents with spending propensity, interacting over a network |
14:00 |
The hidden cost of interdependencies: Collapse of complex economic systems and network structure |
14:15 |
Shock propagation channels behind the global economic contagion network |
15:25-16:25 Session Lightning L1: Networks Models & Analysis
15:25 |
Extraction of overlapping modules in networks via spectral methods and information theory |
15:30 |
Interest Clustering Coefficient: a New Metric for Directed Networks like Twitter |
15:35 |
Hot-Get-Richer Network Growth Model |
15:40 |
Data compression to choose a proper dynamic network representation |
15:45 |
Graph-based Topic Extraction from Vector Embeddings of Text Documents: Application to a Corpus of News Articles |
15:50 |
Interaction of Structure and Information on Tor |
15:55 |
Mapping the Global Scientific Landscape of Virology Before the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Large-Scale Document Analysis with the Representation Learning and Network Visual Representation |
16:00 |
Graph Signal Processing on Complex Networksfor Structural Health Monitoring |
16:05 |
Complex Network Analysis of North American Institutions of Higher Education on Twitter |
16:10 |
Are there Racial Disparities in Fatal Police Shootings? Exploration with Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection |
17:20-18:35 Session Oral O3A: Diffusion & Epidemics
17:20 |
A Systematic Framework of Modelling Epidemics on Temporal Networks |
17:35 |
Suppressing Epidemic Spreading via Contact Blocking in Temporal Networks |
17:50 |
On the Effect of Space on the Spread of Infections |
18:05 |
Prediction of the effects of epidemic spreading with graph neural networks |
18:20 |
On an all-Ireland SIRX Network Model for the Spreading of SARS-CoV-2 |
17:20-18:35 Session Oral O3B: Machine Learning & Networks
17:20 |
Evaluating network embedding by community separability |
17:35 |
Susceptible-infected-spreading-based network embedding in static and temporal networks |
17:50 |
Latent Space Modelling of Hypergraph Data |
18:05 |
Graph Neural Network Models for Node Classification in Multilayer Networks |
18:20 |
The node2community prediction problem in complex networks |
17:20-18:35 Session Oral O3C: Resilience, Synchronization & Control
17:20 |
Quick Sub-optimal Augmentation of Large ScaleMulti-Modal Transport Networks |
17:35 |
Distribution of the sizes of blackouts on electrical grids and some theoretical models |
17:50 |
Dependency Networks and Systemic Risk in Open Source Software Ecosystems |
18:05 |
Distributed Algorithm for Link Removal in Directed Networks |
18:20 |
Hierarchical properties and control of ageing-related methylation networks |
18:50-19:30 Session Poster P1A: Community Structure
18:50 |
A Method for Community Detection in Networks with Mixed Scale Features at its Nodes |
18:50 |
Measuring Proximity in Attributed Networks for Community Detection |
18:50 |
Core Method for Community Detection |
18:50 |
Effects of Community Structure in Social Networks on Speed of Information Diffusion |
18:50 |
Query Oriented Temporal Active Community Search |
18:50 |
Local Community Detection Algorithm with Self-defining Source Nodes |
18:50 |
Investigating Centrality Measures in Social Networks with Community Structure |
18:50-19:30 Session Poster P1B: Network Models
18:50 |
Edge based stochastic block model statistical inference |
18:50 |
Modeling and Evaluating Hierarchical Network: An Application to Personnel Flow Network |
18:50 |
A Network Model of Selective Exposure and Audience Behavior Using Community Detection |
18:50 |
Analysis of a Finite Mixture of Truncated Zeta Distributions for Degree Distribution |
18:50 |
Fair Comparisons Among Network Sampling Strategies |
18:50 |
Top-k Connected Overlapping Densest Subgraphs in Dual Networks |
18:50 |
Monotone Properties in Random Networks with Dependent Edges |
18:50 |
A tail of two distributions: why most real world networks are negative binomial rather than power law. |
18:50-19:30 Session Poster P1C: Earth Sciences Applications & Urban Systems
18:50 |
Multifractal analyses on normalized difference vegetation index series on pastures |
18:50 |
Modelling spreading process of a wildfire in heterogeneous orography, fuel distribution and environmental conditions – a multi-scale analysis using complex networks |
18:50 |
Complexity of the vegetation-climate system through data analysis |
18:50 |
Earthquake complex network analysis for the Mw 8.2 earthquake in Iquique, Chile |
18:50 |
Vulnerability indexes in complex networks as avulnerability component in disaster science |
18:50 |
Deforestation network fractal analysis in Sumaco Biosphere Reserve |
18:50 |
Spatio-Temporal Clustering of Earthquakes Based on Average Magnitudes |
18:50 |
On the breakup patterns of urban networks under load |
18:50 |
Passenger Delay and Topological Indicators in Public Transport Networks |
18:50 |
Characterising road networks through subgraph graphlet analysis |
Wednesday, December 2nd
10:20-11:00 Session Poster P2A: Diffusion & Epidemics
10:20 |
Infectious disease dynamics in homophily-driven dynamic small-world networks: A model study. |
10:20 |
Testing framework for proxy-based Influence maximization algorithms |
10:20 |
Analyzing the Impact of Geo-Spatial Organization of Real-World Communities On Epidemic Spreading Dynamics |
10:20 |
Testing strategies for epidemic detection in livestock trade network |
10:20 |
Stimulation Index of Cascading Transmission in Information Diffusion over Social Networks |
10:20 |
Diffusion dynamics prediction based on subgraph samples and motifs |
10:20-11:00 Session Poster P2B: Machine Learning & Networks
10:20 |
Comparing the efficacy of embeddings in Hyperbolic and Euclidean geometries with respect to the task of community detection. |
10:20 |
Calibrating Network Models for Real Networks Using graph2vec Embedding |
10:20 |
Detecting Geographical Competitive Structure for POI Visit Dynamics |
10:20 |
Consensus Embeddings for Networks with Multiple Versions |
10:20 |
Graph Convolutional Network with Time-based Mini-batch for Information Diffusion Prediction |
10:20 |
A Sentiment Enhanced Deep Collaborative Filtering Recommender System |
10:20 |
Avres: visualising multilayer networks for analysing human-trafficking networks |
10:20 |
SaraBotTagger - a Light Tool to Identify Bots in Twitter |
10:20 |
Multiomics-based inference of cell type-specific regulatory networks in early human embryos |
10:20-11:00 Session Poster P2C: Mobility & Networks in Finance & Economics
10:20 |
Connecting the Dots: Integrating Point Location Data into Spatial Network Analyses |
10:20 |
Topological Analysis of Synthetic Models for Air Transportation Multilayer Networks |
10:20 |
Order Estimation of Markov-Chain Processes in Complex Mobility Network Embedded in Vehicle Traces |
10:20 |
Mobility Footprint of Cities Through an Epidemic Diffusion Model |
10:20 |
Economic Integration Index Evaluated from Loop Flow Component in Global Value-Added Network |
10:20 |
Measuring the Nestedness of Global Production System based on Bipartite Network |
10:20 |
Extracting the Backbone of Global Value Chain from High-Dimensional Inter-Country Input-Output Network |
10:20 |
Analysis of tainted transactions in the Bitcoin Blockchain transaction network |
11:00-12:15 Session Oral O4A: Human Behavior
11:00 |
Forming diverse teams based on members' social networks: a genetic algorithm approach |
11:15 |
Nowcasting country-wide headache symptoms from social media traces and air quality |
11:30 |
Trust somebody but choose carefully : an empirical analysis of social relationships on an exchange market |
11:45 |
Extending DeGroot Opinion Formation for Signed Graphs and Minimising Polarization |
12:00 |
Graph comparison and artificial models for simulating real criminal networks |
11:00-12:15 Session Oral O4B: Community Structure
11:00 |
Community Detection in a Multi-layer Network Over Social Media |
11:15 |
Maximal Labeled-Cliques for Structural-Functional Communities |
11:30 |
Composite Modularity and parameter tuning in the weight-based fusion model for community detection in node-attributed social networks |
11:45 |
Spectral Clustering for Directed Networks |
12:00 |
Efficient Community Detection by Exploiting Structural Properties of Real-World User-Item Graphs |
11:00-12:15 Session Oral O4C: Machine Learning & Networks
11:00 |
Graph Auto-Encoders for Learning Edge Representations |
11:15 |
Enriching Graph Representations of Text: Application to Medical Text Classification |
11:30 |
Experimental Evaluation of Train and Test Split Strategies in Link Prediction |
11:45 |
Multi-scale Anomaly Detection on Attributed Networks |
12:00 |
On the Impact of Communities on Semi-supervised Classification Using Graph Neural Networks |
13:15-14:30 Session Oral O5A: Dynamics on/of Networks
13:15 |
Evolution of Similar Configurations in Graph Dynamical Systems |
13:30 |
Computing Temporal Twins in Time Logarithmic in History Length |
13:45 |
Path homology and temporal networks |
14:00 |
Revealing transmission of healthcare-associated infections using network-constrained patient trajectories |
14:15 |
Convergence towards an Erdos-Renyi graph structure in network contraction processes |
13:15-14:30 Session Oral O5B: Network Models
13:15 |
Reconstructed potentials to characterize complex networks |
13:30 |
Probabilistic Network Sparsification by Betweenness |
13:45 |
Data-Driven Analysis of Complex Networks and Their Model-Generated Counterparts |
14:00 |
An Algorithmic Information Distortion in Multidimensional Networks |
14:15 |
De-evolution of Preferential Attachment Trees |
13:15-14:30 Session Oral O5C: Resilience, Synchronization & Control
13:15 |
Synchronization in complex networks with long-range interactions |
13:30 |
Synchronizability and information transmission in complete dynamical networks of discontinuous maps |
13:45 |
Cluster synchronization on hypergraphs |
14:00 |
Effect of nonisochronicity on the chimera states in coupled nonlinear oscillators |
14:15 |
Prioritizing investments in critical facility access during and following natural hazard events using geospatial data and network perturbation models |
15:25-16:25 Session Lightning L2: Diffusion & Epidemics
15:25 |
Using Distributed Risk Maps by Consensus as a Complement to Contact Tracing Apps |
15:30 |
Blocking the Propagation of Two Simultaneous Contagions over Networks |
15:35 |
Time-critical Crowdsourced Responses and EmergencyMitigation to Global Biosecurity Threats |
15:40 |
Immigration in the Italian Public Debate: Dynamics of Interactions in a Segregated Network |
15:45 |
Epidemic-driven conflict and conflict-driven epidemics |
15:50 |
Learning Vaccine Allocation from Simulations |
15:55 |
Non-backtracking Eigenvalues: X-Centrality and Node Immunization |
16:00 |
Using Link Clustering to Detect Influential Spreaders |
16:05 |
Opinion Dynamic modeling of Fake News Perception |
16:10 |
Not all interventions are equal for the height of the second peak |
16:15 |
Identifying Biomarkers for Important Nodes in an Epidemic |
17:20-18:35 Session Oral O6A: Structural Network Measures
17:20 |
StreamFaSE: an online algorithm for subgraph counting in dynamic networks |
17:35 |
Generalized optimal paths revealed through the large deviations of random walks on networks |
17:50 |
Comparing Box-Covering Algorithms for Fractal Dimension of Complex Networks |
18:05 |
Random Walk Decay Centrality |
18:20 |
Highly comparative graph analysis |
17:20-18:35 Session Oral O6B: Network Analysis
17:20 |
Towards Mesoscopic Structural Analysis of the Fediverse of Decentralized Social Networks |
17:35 |
The effect of commuting on the structure and assortativity of online social ties |
17:50 |
The role of geography in the complex diffusion of innovations |
18:05 |
Ecological networks reveal species associations and communities in Urban Forests of South Delhi Ridge, India |
18:20 |
The macro-, meso- and micro-structure of individual-based community-wide plant-pollinator networks reflects pollen flow dynamics and plant reproductive success |
17:20-18:35 Session Oral O6C: Biological Networks
17:20 |
Joint Modeling of Chromatin Marker Effects in 3D Genome Through Hi-C Interaction Graph |
17:35 |
Signed distance correlation to generate weighted and thresholded gene coexpression networks |
17:50 |
The effective graph: a weighted graph that captures nonlinear logical redundancy in biochemical systems |
18:05 |
Analysis of psychostimulant-induced group behaviours using network based framework in Drospophila melanogaster |
18:20 |
NETME: On-the-fly knowledge network construction from biomedical literature |
18:50-19:30 Session Poster P3A: Information Spreading in Social Media
18:50 |
Clustering Active Users in Twitter Based on Top-k Trending Topics |
18:50 |
Inferring political opinion and its relationship with use of language in a Twitter conversation around a territorial conflict |
18:50 |
Media Polarization on Twitter during 2019 Indonesian Election |
18:50 |
A Framework for Interaction-based Propagation Analysis in Online Social Networks |
18:50-19:30 Session Poster P3B: Network Analysis
18:50 |
Better weighted clustering coefficient: now continuous |
18:50 |
A Dynamic Algorithm for Linear Algebraically Computing Nonbacktracking Walk Centrality |
18:50 |
TemporalRI: a subgraph isomorphism algorithm for temporal networks |
18:50 |
Digital Sousveillance: A Network Analysis Of US Surveillance Organizations |
18:50 |
Searching for linguistic collocations in specialty languages by using complex networks |
18:50 |
An Analysis of Four Academic Department Collaboration Networks with Respect to Gender |
18:50 |
Movie Script Similarity using Multilayer Network Portrait Divergence |
18:50 |
Finding High-Degree Vertices with Inclusive Random Sampling |
18:50 |
Relationship graph for organisations using communication tools |
18:50 |
Inferring Eukaryote-Prokaryote interactions in microbial communities: a multi-layer network approach |
18:50-19:30 Session Poster P3C: Human Behavior
18:50 |
Dynamical patterns of user activity during electoral campaigns and debates in Twitter |
18:50 |
A Second-Order Adaptive Network Model for Learner-Controlled Mental Model Learning Processes |
18:50 |
Urban gentrification as an avalanche process |
18:50 |
Scientific collaboration of researchers and organizations: A two-level blockmodeling approach |
18:50 |
Resident’s Alzheimer disease and social networks within a nursing home |
18:50 |
Using pandemic periods to improve now-casting modelsbased on search engine data |
18:50 |
Detecting People Interested in Non-Suicidal Self-Injury on Social Media |
18:50 |
Quarantined world through SoundCloud hashtags network |
18:50 |
Temporal Bibliometric Networks on Coronavirus reveal Politics of the Pandemic |
Thursday, December 3rd
10:45-12:00 Session Oral O7A: Diffusion & Epidemics
10:45 |
Influence Maximization for Dynamic Allocation in Voter Dynamics |
11:00 |
Effect of Interaction Mechanisms on Facebook Dynamics Using a Common Knowledge Model |
11:15 |
Learning on graphs with diffusion |
11:30 |
Max-Plus Opinion Dynamics With Temporal Confidence |
11:45 |
Mixed Strategies for Improving the Scale and Efficiency of Infection Tests using pool-testing |
10:45-12:00 Session Oral O7B: Network Analysis
10:45 |
Concept-centered comparison of semantic networks |
11:00 |
Classifying Sleeping Beauties and Princes Using Citation Rarity |
11:15 |
Simplicial Closure in Significant Higher-Order Network among Cooking Ingredients |
11:30 |
Horizontal Visibility Graph: Irreversibility of Turbulent and Non-Collisional Plasmas Magnetic Fluctuations |
11:45 |
Analysis of Variable Stars via Visibility Graph Algorithm |
10:45-12:00 Session Oral O7C: Networks in Finance & Economics
10:45 |
A network model of World Trade inequality and how to mitigate it |
11:00 |
Market Interaction Structure Behind Price Heterogenity in a Monopolistic Market |
11:15 |
Socially Responsible Investing in the Global Ownership Network and its implications for International Security |
11:30 |
Shock propagation in supply and demand constrained input-output economies |
11:45 |
Foreign lockdown in supply networks: a cross-country analysis of economic independence |
13:15-14:30 Session Oral O8A: Dynamics on/of Networks
13:15 |
Size agnostic change point detection framework for evolving networks |
13:30 |
Multivariate Information in Random Boolean Networks |
13:45 |
The effect of cryptocurrency price on a blockchain-based social network |
14:00 |
Connected Components in Stream Graphs: Computation and Applications |
14:15 |
Congestion Due to Random Walk Routing |
13:15-14:30 Session Oral O8B: Structural Network Measures
13:15 |
A Community-Aware Backbone Extractor for Weighted Networks |
13:30 |
Assessing the Relationship Between Centrality and Hierarchy Measures in Complex Networks |
13:45 |
Closure Coefficient in Complex Directed Networks |
14:00 |
Equality Measures in Complex Networks |
14:15 |
A metric on directed graph nodes based on hitting probabilities |
13:15-14:30 Session Oral O8C: Machine Learning & Networks
13:15 |
Dissecting medical referral mechanisms in health services using graph neural networks |
13:30 |
Applying Fairness Constraints on Graph NodeRanks under Personalization Bias |
13:45 |
Learning Parameters for Balanced Index Influence Maximization |
14:00 |
Image Classification using Graph-based Representations and Graph Neural Networks |
14:15 |
Incorporating Domain Knowledge into Health Recommender Systems using Hyperbolic Embeddings |
15:25-16:25 Session Lightning L3: Human Behavior
15:25 |
Which groups do you belong to? Sentiment-based PageRank to measure formal and informal influence in social networks |
15:30 |
Global Network of Hidden Military Support: its Structure and Evolution |
15:35 |
Inequality is rising where social network segregation interacts with urban topology |
15:40 |
Behavioral gender differences are reinforced during the COVID-19 crisis |
15:45 |
Segregation dynamics with reinforcement learning andagent based modeling |
15:50 |
Networks make us more cautious: using Drift Diffusion Model to measure the learning process in Prisoner's Dilemma on different network topologies. |
15:55 |
Revealing semantic and emotional structure of suicide notes with cognitive network science |
16:00 |
Assessing how Team Task Influences Team Assembly Through Network Analysis |
16:05 |
The Italian Twittersphere discussion on migration: a network analysis |
16:10 |
Evolution of Political Polarization on Twitter |
16:15 |
Mobility Networks for Predicting Gentrification |
17:20-18:35 Session Oral O9A: Community Structure
17:20 |
Distances on a Graph |
17:35 |
A Pledged Community? Using Community Detection to Analyze Autocratic Cooperation in UN Co-Sponsorship Networks |
17:50 |
Towards Causal Explanations of Community Detection in Networks |
18:05 |
Community Detection Algorithm Using Hypergraph Modularity |
18:20 |
Using Preference Intensity for NetworkCommunities |
17:20-18:35 Session Oral O9B: Information Spreading in Social Media
17:20 |
Analyzing the robustness of a comprehensive Trust-based model for Online Social Networks against Privacy Attacks |
17:35 |
Dynamic Social Media Network Analysis: an Edge Depreciation Approach |
17:50 |
A popularity model for information spreading: Twitter as a case study |
18:05 |
The opinions of a few: A cross-platform study quantifying usefulness of reviews |
18:20 |
Media Partisanship during Election: Indonesian Cases |
17:20-18:35 Session Oral O9C: Network Models
17:20 |
Sequential and parallel generation of Artificial Benchmark for Community Detection (ABCD) graphs |
17:35 |
Unintended communities in hyperbolic networks |
17:50 |
Assembling Mutualistic Networks from Adaptive Niche Interactions |
18:05 |
Statistical properties of edges and bredges in configuration model networks |
18:20 |
Modeling the urban network |